Members of Management Board
Organization scheme
History of Learned Society of Praxiology in Poland
Scientific papers
1. Members of Management Board. Notes
2. Praxiology Series 2012
(web) Towarzystwo Naukowe Prakseologii
(web) Prakseologia i Zarządzanie. Zeszyty Naukowe TNP
1. Members of Management Board. Notes
Management Board the Learned Society of Praxiology
Notes about members of Management Board the Learned Society of Praxiology in Poland
Piotr Masiukiewicz, PhD hab. professor emeritus of Warsaw School of Economics, economist and praxeologist. Concerns of research include following areas: management value of banks and banking crisis, financial enclaves on the market (include pyramid scheme), management of restructuring and recovery of enterprises, marketing and credibility of the enterprises active and Islamic banking. Early he was president and vice-president of Polish banks (14 years) and advisor of Prime Minister of Polish Government.
Piotr Masiukiewicz is the author of more than 300 publications, include 22 monographs and 47 parts of books, i.e.: Innovations in Customer Value Creation, (eds) B. Dobiegała-Korona, P. Masiukiewicz, Warsaw School of Economics Press, 2011, Customer Value Creation. Theory and Practice, (eds) B. Dobiegała-Korona, P. Masiukiewicz, Warsaw School of Economics Press, 2012, Masiukiewicz P. Ryzyko dużych banków. Perspektywa Polski, 2012, Górak-Sosnowska K., Masiukiewicz P. Bankowość muzułmańska, OW SGH 2013 (Islamic banking - First Prize of Economic Books Fair in Warsaw), Masiukiewicz P. Piramidy finansowe, PWN, 2015, Masiukiewicz P. Appropriation Economics versus Managers’ Ethics, Journal of Applied Management and Investments, vol. 7, no. 3/2018, Dec P. Masiukiewicz P. Ethics of Price Strategies in Business, Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, vol. 3, no 3/2019, Dec P. Masiukiewicz P. Finanse przedsiębiorstw w modelach i zadaniach, PWN, 2020 and Dec P. Masiukiewicz P. Socially Responsible Financial Products as a Contribution of Financial Institutions to Sustainable Development, Journal Sustainability, issue 6/2021 (Swiss). He prepared articles in different papers around the world (20 countries) and received 9 scientific prizes of Rector WSoE. He was former member of International Advisory Board series „Praxiology: The International Annual of Practical Philosophy and Methodology” Routlege, New York.
He is manager of postgraduates studies in WSoE (Management of Restructuring and Recovery Enterprises), president of Scientific Board of journal Praxiology and Management. Scientific Papers LSP (Poland), member of International Chamber of Commerce in Paris, member of Supervisory Board of SSOZ Bank of Polish Co-operative Movement and President the Learned Society of Praxiology in Poland presently.
Prof. Mirosław Sułek, PhD hab. economist, praxeologist, strategic studies analyst, employee of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies of the University of Warsaw. He published, among others: the powermetric monograph entitled Potęga państw. Modele i zastosowania (Power of Nations. Models and Applications), Wydawnictwo Rambler, Warszawa, 2013; the article, Praxiology: A New Approach, in: W. Gasparski (ed.), Praxiology: The International Annual of Practical Philosophy and Methodology, Volume 25, Routledge, New York and London, 2018, co-author of National Power Rankings of Countries 2020, Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR, Warszawa, 2020 ( img/pub/national-power-rankings-of-countries-2020.pdf) and many others.
He is vice-president of the Learned Society of Praxiology; former chief-editor Praxiology and Management (Poland), member of Polish Geopolitical Society, Polish Society for International Studies and a member and co-founder of the Powermetric Research Network.
Prof. dr hab. Mirosława Janoś-Kresło researcher and academic teacher, a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics (former Warsaw School of Planning and Statistics). She connected her professional life with the Warsaw School of Economics, obtaining subsequent degrees and academic titles (professor – 2013), worked in the Consumer Behavior Research Department at the Institute of Management, currently retired.
She specialized in widely understood issues of consumption, public services and consumer protection and education. Areas of research interest include primarily changes in household consumption, consumer behavior on the market of public services and e-services, marketing of services, on protection of consumers’ rights. These issues have been the subject of numerous publications - monographs (e.g. Społeczna odpowiedzialność konsumentów w czasie pandemii. Badania międzynarodowe (Consumer social responsibility during a pandemic. An international study), co-author, 2022 in print; Zachowania osób starszych na rynku e-usług (Behaviour of older people in the e-services market co-author, 2020; Kompetencje konsumentów. Innowacyjne zachowania, zrównoważona konsumpcja (Consumer Competence. Innovative behavior, sustainable consumption), co-author, 2016; Organizacje pozarządowe na rynku usług społecznych w Polsce, (Non-governmental organizations on the public services market in Poland), 2013; articles in scholarly journals, e.g. Collaborative Consumption as a Manifestation of Sustainable Consumption co-author 2018; The Importance of Customer Experience for Service Enterprises, co-author 2019; Etyka działalności przedsiębiorstw a etyka postępowania konsumentów (Enterprise ethics vs. consumer ethics), co-author, 2012.
Manager and contractor in research projects in the area of consumer behavior, service market, consumer protection, NGOs. Financial Secretary of General Board of the Learned Society of Praxiology.
Grażyna Ożarek, PhD - Secretary of the Management Board the Learned Society of Praxiology in Poland, former specialist at the Warsaw City Hall, former director of the Office of the Minister and Social Communication of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy, former chairwoman of the Adjudicating Panel in Cases of Violation of Public Finance Discipline at the Ministry of the Interior and Administration. Member of the Clean Production Chapter on behalf of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy, member of the Consultative Council of the Central Statistical Office, long-term, former deputy editor-in-chief of Praxeology and Management. Scientific Papers of the Learned Society of Praxiology in Poland, member of the Committee of Reviewers Praxeology and Management. Scientific Papers of the Learned Society of Praxiology in Poland, author of scientific articles, lecturer at the University of Lazarski in Warsaw.
MSc. Eng. Tadeusz Berliński - a graduate of the Military University of Technology (meteorology) and postgraduate management studies at the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw. He worked in a fighter aviation regiment and in the Air Force Tactical Association; he conducted research in the field of cooperation of local military administration bodies with government and local government administration bodies in the implementation of operational and defense tasks and monitoring of non-military threats. He was an assistant at the National Defense University. The subject of his research was also the issues of crisis management. He dealt with the effectiveness (monitoring, control) of protection of persons and property in the Land Forces Command. He has been the local coordinator responsible for seminars organized by Learned Society of Praxeology (LSP) as part of the annual Science Festivals since 2005. He was the secretary of the Main Board in the LSP. He is currently, a member of the LSP Main Board and a press spokesman and the Secretary of the Editorial Committee of Praxeology and Management which is Scientific Paper of LSP.
Prof. Elwira Gross–Gołacka PhD hab. researcher at the Faculty of Management University of Warsaw, member of Board of Directors University of Warsaw Foundation. She is experienced in co–operating with the EU and UN organization. She has many years of experience in managing projects related to managing organizations. She was the Director General of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Director of the Analysis and Forecast Department of the Ministry of Labour and Social–Policy. For several years she has been closely engaged in diversity and diversified human resources management as well as quality management in different units. Many years of practice in writing, implementing and managing projects related to the issues of organization management, the labor market and CSR. Author of many publications in the field of organization management, including diversity management, CSR and quality management. He has experience in teaching and conducting trainings. A member of supervisory boards, scientific committees and program boards. Actually she is member of General Board of the Learned Society of Praxiology and chief-editor Praxiology and Management (Poland).
Prof. Agnieszka Cenkier PhD hab.
Graduate of the Faculty of Foreign Trade at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGPiS). The main subject of scientific and research interest is the financing of all forms of economic
activeties, including financial models of corporate finance and project finance, including
public sector tasks carried out with the participation of private partners (PPP), with particular emphasis on the structure of financing; in addition, evaluation of the financial situation of
economic entities with highlighting the situational context and indicating solutions enabling
overcoming the irregularities that have occurred and further undisturbed functioning and
development. The didactic offer includes such subjects as Financial Analysis, Situational
Analysis, Financial Diagnostics or Public
Private Partnership, which are a faithful reflection of the problems of the publishing activity.
Dorota Podedworna-Tarnowska, PhD is Head of the Axiology and Value Measurement Unit at the Institute of Value Management and the member of SGH Senate.
In 1998 she graduated from the SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Master's degree in finance and banking). In 2006 she was awarded the PhD degree of economics with distinction. Deputy Dean of the Graduate Study in the term of office 2012-2016. In the years 2007-2017 she was the Head of Postgraduate Studies in Financial Consultancy.
She graduated from Postgraduate Studies in Taxes and Tax Law at the University of Warsaw, International Faculty Program at IESE Business School in Barcelona. She completed a number of courses in audit, accounting and investment. In 2012 she completed a research internship in the Finance Department at the New York University Stern School of Business.
She gained professional experience in the Ministry of Treasury and in supervisory boards of companies such as Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (chairperson of the remuneration committee), Bank BPH S.A. (member of the audit committee and investment committee), Dom Development S.A. (chairperson of the audit committee).
Since 2013 till 2015 undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Finance in charge of public debt management, financial market regulations, accounting and auditing among others, chairperson of the Audit Supervision Committee and chairperson of the Export Insurance Policy Committee.
Her research and teaching interests focus on corporate financial management and financial market instruments. She is the member of European Finance Association.
Prof. Jacek Wysocki PhD hab. is an Associate Professor at the Department of Innovation Management, which is part of the Institute of Enterprise at the Collegium of Business Administration at the Warsaw School of Economics.
He specializes in the issues of strategic management and innovation management, as well as in the field of greening the production activities of enterprises. An additional area of his interest are issues related to the preparation and evaluation of investment projects.
He is the Head of Postgraduate Studies Preparation and Evaluation of Investment and Innovation Projects, the Scientific Secretary of Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie, which is published by KNOP SGH in Warsaw and the Vice Chief-Editor Praxiology and Management (Poland).
Author and co-author of numerous scientific publications, scientific editor and reviewer in scientific journals.
He has business experience. For many years associated with the banking sector, he also worked in the consulting services sector.
2. Praxiology Series 2012
Society issued journal two times in year: Praxiology and Management. Scientific Paper of LSP (Prakseologia i Zarządzanie. Zeszyty Naukowe TNP); it is Polish-English edition open access.
Praxiology Series 2012[1].pdf